ins刷粉丝 USPS伪造邮票数量激增!eBay、Facebook“邮票赝品”泛滥!smm panel for 脸书,add 脸书 li

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USPIS表示在这些“赝品”中, 常见的是美国国旗邮票——伪造者通常会以比标价低20%到50%的价格大量出售。例如,一级永久邮票的市场价格为58美分。然而,一些Facebook虚假广告以“黑色星期五Facebook”折扣为噱头,以39.90美元的价格出售100张邮票,比正版邮票的成本减少了31%。

Uspis said that among these "fakes", American flag stamps are common - counterfeiters usually sell them in large quantities at 20% to 50% lower than the list price. For example, the market price of class I permanent stamps is 58 cents. However, some fake Facebook advertisements used the "Black Friday facebook" discount as a gimmick to sell 100 stamps for $39.90, 31% less than the cost of genuine stamps.smm panel for 脸书,add 脸书 likes free,free 脸书 like





In this regard, Facebook said that it had deleted those illegal websites one by one, and encouraged users to actively report any website suspected of counterfeit advertising; EBay said that all items on its platform, including stamps, will provide a money back guarantee, and they will also adopt more advanced technology to prevent the invasion of these "counterfeits".smm panel for 脸书,add 脸书 likes free,free 脸书 like




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